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This is a specific session to address past shock or trauma that is still resonating in the cellular and subtle body structures.   Shock greatly impacts upon the Etheric Template and causes it to displace.  This treatment helps to call it back home.  (more on the Etheric Body)


When we “step-down” our energy field to be present upon the Earth, the last subtle form we take is the Etheric Body, also called the Etheric Template.  Our physical body is an exact replica of the Etheric and our whole subtle body system acts as a “transceiver”, both giving and sending information, to and from the subtle and physical realms.

The Etheric Body is very sensitive to shocks of any kind and will not only be jolted out of alignment when a shock is experienced, but may stay out of alignment, sometimes for years. 

Whilst the Chakras pass through our physical body, they are actually anchored in the Etheric Body.  When our Etheric is displaced, a complete and effective Chakra balancing is simply not possible.  Certain healing sessions may help for a short while but, inevitably, imbalance always returns.

Calling the Etheric ‘back home’ using specific colours and techniques helps, not only to re-position the Etheric Body but, more importantly, anchors it, so that it doesn’t drift out again after treatment.  The Chakras usually come into balance naturally, as a result of the Etheric being re-positioned, but they are always checked and, if necessary, receive additional treatment to ensure they are aligned and clear.


Using an original technique brought through by Vicki Engeham, one of Australia’s most experienced Aura-Soma® Teachers, a Chakra Massage uses the Aura-Soma®  Chakra Set  in a specific way to clear and balance the Chakras. 


These are the bottles prescribed by Vicky Wall, creator of Aura-Soma®, as connecting most effectively, and gently, with each of the seven Chakras.


Reiki is incorporated in all healing sessions, but does not follow a rigid sequence of hand positions.  The hands are allowed to go wherever called, sometimes upon the body to work in the physical field and, sometimes off the body to work in the subtle energy field.  Reiki symbols may be used to assist in clearing imbalances and to anchor the rebalancing.


A variety of tools is used to bring balance and harmony to the Chakras and Subtle Bodies.

Using an intuitive mix of Reiki, coloured silks, crystals, sound, & the Aura-Soma® pomanders & quintessences, re-balancing occurs on all levels of the body, mind and spirit. There is no prescribed or rigid format to these sessions, and they are different for each person, responding only to the energies presented in each moment.