An array of clear glass bottles, each with an upper and lower coloured fraction, Aura-Soma can best be described as “a non-intrusive, self-selective, colour care system, complete within itself.” The bottles contain the natural energies of plants, herbs and crystals. The top half is held in an oil solution, the lower half in a water-based solution. Shaken together they make an emulsion which can be applied to the skin.
The Aura-Soma® system is non-intrusive because the client selects the bottles themselves. The role of the practitioner is merely to interpret the selection and, to assist in choosing a bottle to work with after the reading. A maxim of Aura-Soma is however, that “we may recommend, but we do not prescribe.” This maxim ensures the client is empowered rather than dis-empowered.
The system is self-selective because, when we stand before the bottles, there is a natural response between the bottles and the client which completely bypasses the egoic, logical mind, and chooses from the essence of who we truly are. We call this response, “sympathetic resonance” because something within the bottles is reflecting who we are, at a very deep level. In truth, “there is no difference between the colours chosen and the one who chooses.” When we select 4 bottles from the feeling side of our being, then that something deep within us is given expression, perhaps for the very first time. Essentially, “you are the colours you choose, and these reflect your being’s needs.”
•The First Bottle reveals our Soul’s mission and purpose for this lifetime.
•The Second Bottle reveals the Gifts that lie within the challenges we have faced.
•The Third Bottle shows the energies that are supporting us now.
•The Fourth Bottle gives an indication of the energies that may quickly follow.
From the 4 Bottles selected, there will be one which holds the greatest potential to bring forth the gifts hidden in our challenges. Working with an Aura-Soma bottle can help us to gently release what we have been holding inside that no longer supports us They bring more Light into our whole being, helping to realign old cellular karmic/genetic patterning so that we may move more easily into a whole new vibration.
At present only Aura-Soma Level 1, Foundation Course, is offered by Linda.
After September 2008, Level 2, Intermediate training will also be available.
Please check back for details of the next Foundation Course.